If yes, you are in a really good place, ready to face any challenge. If you're not there yet, you can get wise about what rewilding of your organization would look like - and take a few first steps:
My passion is helping the full potential to unfold. This is what I do for a living and have helped organizations unfold for more than 30 years. I draw on mindsets and methods of modern leadership thinkers such as Otto Scharmer (theory U), Laura Storm & Giles Hutchins (regenerative leadership), and Brené Brown (courageous leadership), as well as Design Thinking and Strategic Visualisation.
I use my extensive experience in new ways of working, and help you craft exactly the hands-on approach that allows your organization to thrive, shine and do good in the world.
I turn wise words and ideas into effective solutions and unlock natural powers in people and in leadership. I call it Rewilding of Our Organizations. It helps unlock our willing, wise and workable frame of mind - our true wildheart nature.
Wildheart Leadership helps you unfold the three organisational superpowers:
EASE - grounded in our core, we stand tall and act from strengths
FLOW - connected to the whole, we sense clearly what is needed
IMPACT - creating valuable solutions for people and planet
"Hanne turned our priorities and dreams into a visual journey for for the project, and engaged all stakeholders in understanding and co-creating our joint effort.”
"Working with Hanne gives everyone involved a strong sense of ease, hope and creativity."
“She helped reshape our implementation approach, so the dreaded transformation became an uplifting experience and developed skills and ownership in ways we never would have believed was possible."